Filter Project

Filters are available (up to 30 inches) in sizes corresponding to pitchers and bottles to industrial-sized filters.
To correspond to the various shapes available globally and removal targets, an original filter is also being produced.

Catch filter’s Introduction

Heavy Metals Catch Filter

Corresponding to 1 copy NSF

This filter can catch heavy metals harmful to one’s health and make drinking water safe.


This filter can make anions electriferous, so it catches heavy metals with cations such as lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.


This filter can make cations electriferous, so it catches heavy metals with anions such as arsenic, hexavalent chromium, etc.


Both cations and anions can be caught by the special filter.

Health problems caused by heavy metals

Cation heavy metal

leadacute poisoning・brain damage
cadmiumabnormal calcium metabolism
mercurycentral nervous system disorders・allergic dermatitis
copperacute toxicity(diarrhea・vomiting)
zincacute toxicity(diarrhea・vomiting・generation of heat・stomach ache)

Anion heavy metal

arsenicmucosal damage・neurological disorders・skin cancer・lung cancer
hexavalent chromiumnasal septum perforation disease・lung cancer
seleniumanemia・cirrhosis of the liver・heart atrophy

5 Micron Catch filter’s Introduction

The prefilter removes particles from water (e.g., iron, rust, and dirt).
For production of datsu ion water, a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is used.
The result is super-deionized water, and most impurities are removed. After that,
the filter makes the process smooth and prevents degradation. Filtration of well water,
filtration of water for industrial use, acid and alkaline water, prefiltration,
filtration of coating fluid and fixed liquid, filtration of agents and oils, filtration of plating liquid,
and revival filtration of rinse water are the functions of the united formation filter,
which is a high quality filter available for a low price that can be used for a wide range of purposes.

Before using our cartridge, please use as preprocessing.

I'm doing Toorimizu confirmation by ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer.